
Name of the qualification in original language

Gymnasiale indslusningsforløb for flygtninge og indvandrere (GIF)

Translation in English

Secondary education for refugees and immigrants

Transliteration in Latin alphabet


Awarding body

Ministry of Education

General requirements for access to higher education

Based on a foreign upper secondary school examination

EQF level


NQF level


Period of issue


Expiry date


Verification information

Contact the upper secondary school or if possible ask the diploma holder to show up in your office in order to access the National Diploma-database. The National Diploma-database can only be accessed by the diploma-holder.

Comments/Additional Information

The Hvidovre Gymnasium and the HF & VUC FYN, Odense City Campus are the two organisation responsible for issuing the Gymnasiale indslusningsforløb for flygtninge og indvandrere (GIF). The GIF is a one-year qualification based on a foreign upper secondary school examination.

Subject: Danish A, English B, History B, Math C and Biology C or Danish A, English B, History C, Math A, Physics B and Chemistry B.

Grading system: 7-point grading scale.

Awarding period: end of June. 

Further information about the grading system of Danish general upper secondary education can be found at the following links:

Grading system


Update date of the records: 06/03/2019