The Q-Entry Database

The Q-ENTRY database is a first-hand information source providing relevant information on school leaving qualifications giving access to Higher Education, in EU and non-EU countries.

The process of implementation of the database involved the competent authorities in the provision of information on their qualifications giving access to higher education.

This process has been developed in two different stages, corresponding to two different projects, both conceptualized and coordinated by CIMEA and co-funded by the European Union.

STAGE 1: Q-ENTRY Project

STAGE 2: qENTRY+ Project

Target groups

The Database is online and accessible to all free of charge.

It is targeted at:

  • ENIC-NARIC centres;
  • Higher Education Institutions worldwide;
  • Credential evaluators;
  • European Commission and International organisations;
  • Evaluation agencies;
  • Student associations;
  • Employers who recruit individuals with foreign qualifications;
  • and, all the stakeholders involved in the recognition of qualifications giving access to Higher Education.


The ENIC-NARIC centres, Higher Education Institutions and credential evaluators will benefit from the Q-Entry Database, since it is an online resource available free of charge to the general public.

Moreover, it will allow ENIC-NARIC centres and organisations dealing with the recognition of qualifications to access up-to-date information for final school leaving qualifications recognition.

Finally, it is also a valuable information source for students, who can refer to it when asking for recognition. It allows them to give clear information to the expert in charge, thereby promoting a better knowledge of their qualifications.

Please note that not all qualifications are listed at this stage and some have yet to be added. If a qualification is missing, it is not evidence of irregularity.

This Database is a work-in-progress and it is subject to continuous improvement as well as amendment when relevant material is provided.